Welcome to The Wolf Pack!

Who We Are

The Wolf Pack is a non profit booster created as a support to the Riverton High School Football team.

Welcome to The Wolf Pack!

Who We Are

The Wolf Pack is a non profit booster created as a support to the Riverton High School Football team.

We live in a wonderful community and our driving force and why we operate is to provide sponsorship for players as well as financially be a support the Riverton football team as a whole so these talented athletes have a top notch experience playing here that they deserve. We want to invite and involve the community as much as possible for these kids.

GOALS – All funds from our booster club support the 200 kids across 3 teams to meet these needs and provide the resources for student athletes to train and compete at the highest level. These things are at times challenging to attain funds for i.e., replacing worn out or broken equipment, elevated game day experiences, weekly pre-game team dinners.. they eat A LOT of food! Weight room nutrition, travel, and at times even providing a pair of good cleats for a player. We believe in these kids and every penny raised will support them and the team through their Friday Night Lights experiences.

WHY – Football, and athletics in general, teach life skills that they carry with them into adulthood such as:

  • Work Ethic
  • Responsibility
  • Discipline
  • Accountability
  • Perseverance
  • Team work
  • Mindset
  • Determination
  • Grit
  • Brotherhood & Community

We love the game of football and know how much it can impact and affect kids through this time in their lives as they grow and move into life and the challenges it can bring. We want them to always remember their community support, their team, and those Friday Night Lights with fondness and nostalgia.

  • Become a proud donor in support of these boys and their achievements on the football fields and life!